The purpose of this program is to give citizens the opportunity to help our parks grow thus becoming a friend of Belleville's natural environment. The Donation Program provides an opportunity to honour events such as marriages, births, deaths, graduations, anniversaries, birthdays, baptisms, retirement or other special events. Make our parks become a bright spot in the community by greening and beautifying our City.
Types of Donations - 2025
Most developed park spaces are available to accept a memorial tree except for:
- Argyll Park
- Caniff Mills Pipeline
- Connor Parkette
- Corby Park
- Driscoll Parkette
- Duff Park
- Freestone Point
- George Ellis Athletic Fields
- Hampton Ridge Storm Water Pond and Recreation Trail
- Jane Forrester Park
- Kiwanis East Bayshore Trail
- Mercedes Drive Storm Water Pond and Recreation Trail
- Mountain Ash Storm Water Pond and Recreation Trail
- Quinte Exhibition Park
Memorial trees are only planted on approved park space. The price is $800.00 including the cost of the tree marker. The tree marker is 8" x 6.75" x 2.5", Stanstead Gray granite with black lettering.
The placement of the tree will be evaluated for any safety or infrastructure concerns. Memorial trees will not be planted in natural/woodland park areas.
You can choose any species from the list on the donation form (subject to availability from the nursery).
If donors purchase a commemorative tree a plaque is not mandatory but is not included with the tree. The purchase of a plaque, from a supplier, must meet the City of Belleville Standard.
Applications for memorial trees must be received by July 1st for each planting year (mid-October to December 1). Applications received after July 1st will be considered the following year.
Ashes, decorations, flowers and other items are not allowed to be placed near or on the tree and any such items will be removed.
We will review your application, confirm location availability and send back to you for payment.
The City retains the right to relocate a donated commemorative tree at any time. If relocation is required, Parks staff will make contact with the donor to discuss alternative locations.
A donation form needs to be filled out.
Most developed park spaces are available to accept a memorial bench except for:
- Corby Park
- Freestone Point
- Kiwanis East Bayshore Trail
- Zwick's Centennial Park - new locations other than approved
The price for a bench is $4,000.00 (includes bench, concrete slab and plaque). The bench plaque is 7" x 4 3/8" x 1/4" in size and is set into the centre of the back of the bench.
Applications for memorial benches must be received by July 1st for each year for installations (mid-October to December 1). Applications received after July 1st will be considered the following year.
The bench installation process can take up to five (5) months and includes:
- Production and delivery (can take up to four (4) months - dependent on supplier)
- Utility locates
- Precast concrete installation pad
- Bench installation
The placement and location of any bench is subject to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Placement and locations are based on existing recreational trails, and considered to be a prerequisite for selection and locations with the exception of the dog parks.
Ashes, decorations, flowers and other items are not allowed to be placed near or on the bench and any such items will be removed.
The City retains the right to relocate a donated commemorative bench at any time. If relocation is required, Parks staff will make contact with the donor to discuss alternative locations.
The City will use every reasonable effort to remove graffiti in a timely fashion as it becomes aware of the issue. Vandalism, repair and replacement after two (2) years will be at the City's discretion based on the severity.
We will review your application, confirm location availability and send back to you for payment.
The location will be held for 30 days. If payment is not received during that time, the location will be released and will become available to others.
A donation form needs to be filled out.
CN and Memory Lane Stones
CN stones are installed along the Kiwanis East Bayshore Trail at the end of South Foster Avenue in around the CN Monument. The stone size is 8" x 6" x 2 1/2" except for the Railroaders Families stone which is 16" x 6" x 2", Stanstead Gray granite with black lettering.
Memory Lane stones are installed along the Kiwanis East Bayshore Trail along the turtle pond or at Corby Park. The stone size is 8" x 6" x 2 1/2", Stanstead Gray granite with black lettering.
The cost of CN and Memory Lane stones is $215.00.
The City does not take stone placement requests.
Applications for CN and Memory Lane stones must be received by July 1st each year for installation (mid-October to December 1). Applications received after July 1st will be considered the following year.
A donation form needs to be filled out.
Picnic Table
Most developed park spaces are available to accept picnic tables. The cost is $1,600.00 (includes cement pad and plaque). The picnic table plaque is 7" x 4 3/8" x 1/4" in size and will be recessed and glued on the tabletop.
Applications for picnic table donations must be received by July 1st for each year for installations (mid-October to December 1). Applications received after July 1st will be considered the following year.
The picnic table installation process can take up to four (4) months and includes:
- Production and delivery (can take up to three (3) months - dependent on supplier)
- Utility locates
- Concrete pad
- Picnic table installation
Ashes, decorations, flowers and other items are not allowed to be placed near or on the picnic table and any such items will be removed.
The City retains the right to relocate a commemorative picnic table at any time. If relocation is required, Parks staff will make contact with the donor to discuss alternative locations.
The City will use every reasonable effort to remove graffiti in a timely fashion as it becomes aware of the issue. Vandalism, repair and replacement after two (2) years will be at the City's discretion based on the severity.
We will review your application, confirm location availability and send back to you for payment.
The location will be held for 30 days. If payment is not received during that time, the location will be released and will become available to others.
A donation form needs to be filled out.
General Terms and Conditions
The City of Belleville reserves the right to approve or deny any request for donations.
The City shall approve the donated item(s) and final location(s). The City retains the right to relocate a donated item at any time. If relocation is required, Parks staff will contact the donor to discuss alternative locations.
All items donated to the Parks and Open Spaces Department, and/or their associated plaques, become City of Belleville property. Accordingly, the City will maintain the donated items for their expected life span, as defined within the replacement policy below.
Standard memorial plaques shall be used to ensure consistency in cost, size, type and mounting. Plaque language is subject to approval and must be supplied to the City for approval prior to installation.
A ceremony or gathering will be permitted; however, in the interest of safety it cannot be held on the day of installation. Large gatherings (25 or more - Parks By-Law 2020-28) must be arranged through Facility Bookings.
The City does not allow ashes or memorial items to be placed under, near, around or on any commemorative donation.
The approved location of a planting site or installation depends on proposed future development within a park, location of underground utilities and special event situations.
On any donation, installation dates cannot be specified due to weather, supplier, park construction and special event situations.
Written or telephone confirmation will follow after installation is completed.
Commemorative trees will be replaced by the City, at no charge to the applicant, within three (3) years of the original planting date if the tree does not survive or is damaged or vandalized.
Commemorative benches will be maintained by the City for a maximum of five (5) years at no cost to the applicant. If your bench needs replacement, the donor will be given first chance to purchase the new bench.
Bench repair and replacement after five (5) years will be at the City's discretion.
Bench plaque repair and replacement after two (2) years will be charged to the applicant. The City will cover the cost of a one-time replacement if your plaque is stolen or vandalized.
CN or Memory Lane Stones
If a CN or Memory Lane stone(s) is damaged and requires replacement, the donor will be given first opportunity to purchase a replacement. The City will not be responsible for the replacement.
The City will use every reasonable effort to remove graffiti in a timely fashion as it becomes aware of the issue. Vandalism, repair and replacement after two (2) years will be at the City's discretion based on the severity.
These donations qualify as a charitable tax deduction. Thank you for being a friend of the Donation Program by helping to make Belleville a better place to live, work and play.
For more information on this program, please contact us or fill out the donation forms below.