Starting a business?
If you are looking to operate a business in the City of Belleville you may require a business licence. Each municipality operates under a separate licensing bylaw. Businesses that require a licence in Belleville may be different than those in other municipalities.
Request a copy of the Business Licensing By-law for the City of Belleville.
The following require a Business Licence: |
Apply for a Business Licence
If you are a new business owner or special events vendor complete the application. Once your application is complete, allow 5-7 days to obtain your licence.
Application for Business Licence
Licence Renewals
Business licences must be renewed annually by June 30. Registered businesses will receive a notice in the mail or via email. To renew your licence, contact our licensing team.
Refreshment Vehicle Application Process
Interested in operating a food truck in the City of Belleville? To help you navigate the process, we've outlined the necessary steps and approvals required to obtain your business licence.
If you do not have a set location, once you receive your business license, you will be added to the city's approved list, which event organizers may use to invite food trucks to various events.
Complete the Business Licence Application
Application for Business Licence
Ensure all sections are accurately completed, including your business name, location, contact information, and a detailed description of your business.
Obtain Necessary Approvals
- Belleville Fire Department: Schedule an inspection by contacting Let us know your business location and opening date, and we will coordinate with the Fire Department.
- Hastings Prince Edward Health Unit: Provide proof of inspection and approval. Contact your local Health Unit for an inspection, and include the approval with your application.
Pay the Licence Fee
The annual licence fee for a food truck is $200.00. Please wait for the invoice before making the payment.
Additional Documentation for Special Events that may be required
If you plan to operate at special events, you will be asked to provide:
- Written consent from the property owner or event organizer.
- A copy of your Certificate of Insurance with a minimum of $5,000,000 public liability.
- Approval from the Recreation and Community Services Department.
Contact Information
- Planning Department: | 613-967-3224
- Fire Department:
- Health Unit: Contact your local Hastings Prince Edward Health Unit for inspection details.
- Business Licensing Office: | 613-967-3246
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. We look forward to assisting you in getting your food truck up and running in Belleville!