January |
Alzheimer Awareness Month |
Event Date:
Month of January
Lighting Dates:
January 6-February 2
Lighting Colour:
January is Alzheimer Awareness Month across the nation and it is during this time of the year that the Alzheimer Society launches a public awareness campaign. Help us remove the stigma of this disease as a community.
Every 3 seconds, someone in the world develops dementia. By 2050, nearly 1.7 MILLION Canadians will be living with dementia. Locally, over 5000 people are estimated to be affected, excluding the thousands of family members who provide direct care.
The Alzheimer Society raises general awareness of dementia in the public, identifies warning signs and stresses the importance of early diagnosis while offering support and programs for those living the dementia journey. The Society provides FREE navigation, education, support, and resources to all those affected by all forms of memory loss, and their care partners.
Bell Let's Talk Day |
Event Date:
January 22
Lighting Dates:
Lighting Colour:
January 22 is Bell Let’s Talk Day. This day is a very important day in our City and across the country. We ask residents of Belleville to take the time to recognize this day and help raise awareness as we try to remove the stigma attached to mental health.
The Bell Let’s Talk flag will be flown at the Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre on January 22. The Belleville Sign, Bridge St Bridge, and Fire Station #1 Memorial Garden will also be lit in blue on January 22 for this cause.
Kawasaki Disease Canada |
Event Date:
January 26
Lighting Dates:
Lighting Colour:
Kawasaki Disease is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children and affects children around the globe. Early diagnosis is a matter of life or death and/or lifelong coronary distress.
Early detection is critical; increased awareness of early symptoms is imperative to diagnosis and effective treatment. We want Kawasaki disease to be top of mind of Canadians and for us to increase awareness and save children's hearts from the effects of Kawasaki disease
WHEREAS, Kawasaki Disease Canada is the only Canadian national charity working to improve outcomes of Kawasaki disease and at the forefront of Kawasaki disease issues by collaborating with families affected by the disease and medical professionals. January 26 is the anniversary of the day in 1961 that
Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki began to recognize a cluster of symptoms that led to the classification "Kawasaki disease". It has been more than 50 years, the cause of the disease is still unknown. Increased awareness is imperative.
Kawasaki Disease Canada supports international partners in the quest to increase awareness and is pursuing this proclamation across Canada.
February |
Black History Month |
Event Date:
Month of February
Lighting Dates:
Lighting Colour:
During Black History Month, people in Canada celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black Canadians and their communities who, throughout history, have done so much to make Canada the culturally diverse, compassionate, and prosperous nation it is today.
2-1-1 Day
Event Date:
February 11
Lighting Dates:
February 10-16
Lighting Colour:
Every year on February 11, United Ways and 211 programs across Canada celebrate National 211 Day. 211 Day is a public awareness initiative for the award-winning 211 service that helps guide individuals and families through the complex network of human services, and;
211 provides the residents, workers and agencies of Belleville with information and referrals to the complete range of government, health, community and social services in their communities. 211 is a free and confidential service available 24/7 in 150+ languages by phone. This service is also available online at 211ontario.ca and via text, chat and email, and;
Our goal is to raise awareness for the free, confidential 211 service on 211 Day through outreach, social media promotion and public relations. We will be using the illumination of landmarks and proclamations as a story telling device in our newsletters and social media on and around 211 Day, and;
Our hope is that this will provide us with an additional opportunity to talk about the 211 service which is available to all Canadians for free when they need help dealing with life's challenges.
Therefore, I, Mayor Neil Ellis, on behalf of the City of Belleville Council, do hereby proclaim February 11, 2025 as "211 Day" in the City of Belleville and do commend its thoughtful observance to all citizens of our municipality.
Ontario Heritage Week |
Event Date:
February 17-23
Lighting Dates:
Lighting Colour:
WHEREAS, The Ontario Heritage Trust celebrates heritage in all its forms; cultural, natural, architectural, archaeological and collections; and
WHEREAS, Ontario Heritage Week allows us to reflect on how heritage is conserved, promoted and commemorated and how we shape the future.
DocFest Week |
Event Date:
February 17-23
Lighting Dates:
Lighting Colour:
Coldest Night of the Year |
Event Date:
February 22
Lighting Dates:
February 17-23
Lighting Colour:
Blue and Yellow
The Coldest Night of the Year is a winterrific family-friendly fundraising walk in support of local charities. Here in Belleville, The Grace Inn Shelter is host to this important event.
Grace Inn is the first homeless shelter of its kind serving Belleville and the surrounding area and offering 21-bed spaces to men and women 365 days a year. This February 22nd the community will come together in support of those who are experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. Thank you to everyone's generous support."
Rare Disease Day
Event Date:
February 28
Lighting Dates:
February 24-Mar 2
Lighting Colour:
Blue, Pink, Green
Rare Disease Day is the globally-coordinated movement on rare diseases, working towards equity in social opportunity, healthcare, and access to diagnosis and therapies for people living with a rare disease. Since its creation in 2008, Rare Disease Day has played a critical part in building an international rare disease community that is multi-disease, global, and diverse– but united in purpose. Rare Disease Day is observed every year on 28 February (or 29 in leap years)—the rarest day of the year.
The Rare Disease Day colours have come to symbolize the diversity of the rare disease community across borders; there are over 300 million people living with one of over 6000 different rare diseases. By using the Rare Disease Day colours to light up well-known monuments and public buildings the diverse rare disease community spread around the world joined together to share a strong message of solidarity.
March |
Amyloidosis Awareness Month |
Event Date:
Lighting Dates:
March 10-16
Lighting Colour:
Amyloidosis Awareness Month is a time to raise awareness of amyloidosis, a group of diseases that occur when an abnormal protein builds up in the body's tissues and organs.
Amyloidosis can be challenging to diagnose and can mimic the signs and symptoms of more common medical conditions.
It often affects people who are older or middle aged, but younger people have also been diagnosed
Liver Health Awareness Month |
Event Date:
Lighting Dates:
March 3-9
Lighting Colour:
Endometriosis Awareness Month |
Event Date:
Lighting Dates:
March 24-30
Lighting Colour:
March is also *Endometriosis Awareness Month. Approximately 1 in 10 girls and women, as well as unmeasured numbers of non-binary and transgender individuals, will develop endometriosis. Due to a lack of awareness and education, it takes between 7 to 12 years to get a diagnosis.
Violence Awareness & Random Acts of Kindness Program |
Event Date:
March 3-9
Lighting Dates:
March 3-9
Lighting Colour:
WHEREAS, the lives of many citizens of the City of Belleville have been directly or indirectly impacted by the ravages of violence; and
WHEREAS, many Canadians fall prey to senseless acts of violence every year and this violence can happen in our homes, schools and our local communities; and
WHEREAS, by the time a child graduates from high school, they would have seen an estimated 16,000 televised and social media shootings and overall 300,000 acts of violence; and
WHEREAS, the prevalence of violence in our society makes victims of us all; and
WHEREAS, RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS must prevail and overcome random acts of violence; Therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the City of Belleville declare the week of March 3 to 9, 2025 to be the 29th Annual Violence Awareness & Random Acts of Kindness Week;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the citizens of the City of Belleville are encouraged to continue to support and embrace the ideology and practice of Random Acts of Kindness not only during this special week but throughout the year.
National Epilepsy Awareness Day |
Event Date:
March 26
Lighting Dates:
March 17-23
Lighting Colour:
Whereas Epilepsy South Eastern Ontario is promoting National Epilepsy Awareness Day;
AND Whereas Epilepsy South Eastern Ontario is a registered charity, providing support services to people with epilepsy and their families, and community education services to reduce the stigma associated with the disorder;
AND Whereas epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder with no cure, which is frequently seriously disabling;
AND Whereas epilepsy profoundly affects the quality of life of over 4,500 individuals and their families in our community and surrounding rural areas;
AND Whereas citizens are encouraged to make an effort this month to learn more about epilepsy, fight stigma, and wear a lavender ribbon to show support.
April |
Jazz Appreciation Month |
Event Date:
Lighting Dates:
Lighting Colour:
The City of Belleville recognizes April 2025 as Jazz Appreciation Month. Many downtown venues will be hosting Jazz events for our jazz loving citizens to attend to hear our local artists. The American Federation of Musicians, local 518, The Quinte Arts Council and our own Downtown BIA have joined together to make this month a celebration in Jazz.
Month of the Military Child & Teal Up Day |
Event Date:
Lighting Dates:
April 21-27
Lighting Colour:
April is the Month of the Military Child, a time to honour and celebrate the resilience, strength, and sacrifices of children in military families. These children face unique challenges, such as frequent relocations and long separations from loved ones due to deployments or military duty. They are constantly adjusting to new schools, communities, and environments. Despite these challenges, they show incredible courage, adaptability, and strength.
On April 28th, we observe Teal Up Day, a day dedicated to making military children feel seen, valued, and appreciated. The day is focused on honouring the kids who support their families through thick and thin, and who often carry a heavy emotional load as a result of military life. Across Canada, communities mark the occasion by wearing teal, as well as lighting up landmarks like the CN Tower in Toronto in solidarity.
This year, a growing number of communities will “light up” in teal to raise awareness. Bringing the celebration to a close, the Trenton MFRC is proudly hosting a ceremony and BBQ for these extraordinary children.
World Autism Awareness Day
Event Date:
April 2
Lighting Dates:
Lighting Colour:
A Proclamation on World Autism Day 2025
National Dental Hygienists Week |
Event Date:
April 4-10
Lighting Dates:
April 7-13
Lighting Colour:
National Dental Hygienists Week™ is celebrated annually, highlighting the importance of maintaining good oral health practices while helping Canadians to understand the vital role those dental hygienists play in the health care system. Our theme "Oral Health for Total Health," reminds us that taking care of our mouth, teeth, and gums positively impacts other aspects of our lives.
Green Shirt Day & Be a Donor Month |
Event Date:
April 7
Lighting Dates:
Lighting Colour:
In Recognition of Green Shirt Day, April 7th, 2025 and Be a Donor Month, April 2025
Whereas Green Shirt Day is observed to honour and recognize Logan Boulet, (who gave the gift of life to 6 others through organ donation), as well as all the other victims, survivors, and families of the deadly Humbolt Broncos bus crash in April 2018 , and is an integral part of the larger BeADonor month activities and
Whereas, local Transplant Advocate Association (TAA) volunteers are dedicated to creating awareness throughout local communities, of the need for organ & tissue donation, and to supporting both pre- and post-transplant recipients, donors, and their families, and
Whereas Logan’s gifts inspired thousands of people to register, however, despite the increased number of donors, many Canadians still need organ or tissue transplants and many die waiting each year, and
Whereas the TAA, in partnership with the Trillium Gift of Life Network, and the Canadian Transplant Association, continue to carry on Logan’s legacy by encouraging people to register consent to be an organ and tissue donor, and to discuss their wishes with family
Global Holistic Wellness Day |
Event Date:
April 9
Lighting Dates:
March 31-April 6
Lighting Colour:
WHEREAS, Global Holistic Wealth Day is celebrated annually during the week of April 9th; and
WHEREAS, Global Holistic Wealth Day has the goal of raising awareness about the importance of holistic wealth in our communities, which encompasses financial wellness, physical well-being, and emotional well-being; and
WHEREAS, Global Holistic Wealth Day calls upon citizens to engage in reflection, education, and action to cultivate a lifestyle of well-being, including mental health, to empower personal growth, and to engage in activities that support financial literacy; and
WHEREAS, Global Holistic Wealth Day will raise awareness, instill civic pride, and celebrate holistic wealth in the city of Belleville;
THEREFORE, I, Mayor of the City of , do hereby proclaim April, 9th to 16th, 2025 Global Holistic Wealth Day in Belleville.