If you would like to appear before Council or a standing committee you can submit your request online or by submitting your request with the required information in writing to: City Clerk, City of Belleville, 169 Front Street, Belleville, ON K8N 2Y8.
Citizens have an opportunity to provide information and express their views at City Council meetings. By-law 2019-48 (Part 7.6) outlines the procedures to be followed by those wishing to appear before Council.
(1) Persons desiring to be included on the meeting agenda as a Deputation shall contact the office of the Clerk no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the date of the next Regular Council Meeting to request to be listed on the meeting agenda as a Deputation, but the Mayor may authorize a Deputation be added to the meeting agenda any time prior to finalization of the meeting agenda.
The Mayor and CAO will review all deputations, including materials and presentations, as part of the Agenda setting process. Failure of a person to provide such materials by the deadline in this section or prior to the finalization of the agenda will not be authorized to make a Deputation to Council. (By-law 2024-81)
(2) The number of persons appearing as a Deputation at a Regular Council Meeting shall be limited to no more than three (3) in an effort to ensure that the business of the Corporation as conducted by Council can be carried out in an efficient and effective manner.
(3) Persons wishing to appear as a Deputation and who are not listed on the meeting agenda may appear as a Deputation with support from the majority of the Members present.
(4) Persons appearing as a Deputation shall be limited to a maximum of 10 minutes speaking time, and where a Deputation consists of more than one person, all persons combined shall be limited to a maximum of 10 minutes speaking time, but Council may, by resolution, grant permission to any Deputation to speak for longer than 10 minutes.
(5) During or following a Deputation, Members may ask specific questions relating to the presentation for the purpose of clarification without statement or comment.
(6) Following a Deputation, Council shall adopt a motion: (i) to receive; or (ii) to refer to another item listed on the meeting agenda; or (iii) to refer to a committee or board or City staff for a report; or (iv) to refer to New Business for consideration.
The same rules apply to appearing before any Standing Committee of Council.