Accessibility Advisory Committee |
The Belleville Accessibility Advisory Committee represents people with disabilities in our community and supports us with our responsibilities under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Check out information about the committee, current projects, upcoming meetings, and past meeting minutes.
Committee Members:
- Councillor Enright-Miller, Chair
- Councillor Kelly
- Ann Carr (2024-112)
- Janna Munkittrick–Colton
- Lorna Prevost
- Janet Richards
- Jeremy Davis
- Karen Kitchen
- Richard Williams
Archives Committee |
The City and County agree to establish a joint advisory committee (hereinafter called the "Archives Advisory Committee" to provide direction and advice respecting governance of the joint archives, with such advisory committee reporting to Belleville City Council.
Bay of Quinte Regional Marketing Board |
The Bay of Quinte Regional Marketing Board is a regional tourism marketing organization responsible for marketing the City of Belleville, the City of Quinte West, the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte and the Municipality of Brighton. Their focus is on marketing the region to potential visitors in order to drive tourist traffic and overnight stays in the region. The Board also functions as the Destination Marketing Organization for the region.
Bay of Quinte Regional Marketing Board Terms of Reference |
Terms of Reference
- Mandate
- The Bay of Quinte Regional Marketing Board (BQ RMB) was established in 1982 by regional partners interested in furthering economic activity by working together. It acts as a destination marketing and management organization, undertaking activities for the purposes of supporting tourism and resident attraction regionally, provincially, nationally and internationally on behalf of the paying partners.
- The BQ RMB will act as the lead agency on behalf of the partnership for the purposes of:
- Uniting the partner communities under a regional brand in an effort to increase economic activity related to tourism and resident attraction
- Identifying target regions and demographics to attract for the purposes of tourism and resident attraction
- Creating and delivering destination marketing campaigns and tactics to attract the identified targets to the region
- Working in collaboration with Regional Tourism Organizations, Destination Ontario and Destination Canada on destination marketing and management initiatives
- The BQRMB will act as the Eligible Tourism Entity for the purposes of the Municipal Accommodation Tax, as approved by the Councils of the City of Belleville and City of Quinte West with respect to the Municipal Act
- Members
- Subject to the articles, there shall be one class of members in the Corporation. Membership in the Corporation shall be available to municipalities, First Nations and not-for-profit corporations interested in furthering the Corporation's purposes and who have applied for and been accepted into membership in the Corporation by resolution of the board or in such other manner as may be determined by the board. Each member shall be entitled to receive notice of, attend and vote at all meetings of the members of the Corporation.
- The board shall be comprised of a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of twelve (12) directors. Paying members can appoint the individual they wish to represent their organization on the board, or allow for an election of approved candidates to fill the position. Each paying member has one seat. There shall be a minimum of one (1) at-large position made available to round out the skill set of the Board as needed. The number of at-large positions shall not exceed the number of positions held by paying partners. The directors shall be elected to hold office for a term expiring not later than the close of the annual meeting of members following the election.
- Current Partnership
- City of Belleville
- City of Quinte West
- Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
- Municipality of Brighton
- Quinte Home Builders Association
- Quinte Restaurant Association
- Meetings
- The board may appoint a day or days in any month or months for regular meetings of the board at a place and hour to be named. There shall be a minimum of six (6) regular meetings of the board per year. A copy of any resolution of the board fixing the place and time of such regular meetings of the board shall be sent to each director forthwith after being passed, but no other notice shall be required for any such regular meeting except if subsection 136(3) (Notice of Meeting) of the Act requires the purpose thereof or the business to be transacted to be specified in the notice. Executive or administrative staff of any member shall be eligible to attend regular meetings of the board, but shall not participate in deliberations or vote.
- Voting
- At all meetings of the board, every question shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast on the question. In case of an equality of votes, the chair of the meeting in addition to an original vote shall have a second or casting vote.
- Amendments
- This Terms of Reference may be amended, varied or modified in writing after consultation and agreement by the Board of Directors
Belleville Library Board |
The Belleville Public Library and John M. Parrott Art Gallery is a community meeting place that supports and inspires lifelong learning, creativity, growth and success by providing equitable access to information, print and digital resources, technology and the arts in a welcoming environment.
The Library Board is appointed by the City Council through the Clerk's Office and is tasked with governing the Library and Gallery. Trustees provide financial oversight and are responsible for all aspects of the operations, through the hiring and supervision of the CEO. The Board meets a minimum of 10 times per year, usually monthly, and members of the public are welcome to attend. The Ontario Public Libraries Act provides the legal framework for providing library services to the public. Please visit our website for more information and public meeting dates.
TERM: Term of Council
Board Members:
- Councillor Carr, Chair
- Councillor Chatten
- Councillor Malette
- Councillor Thompson, Alternate
- Sheridan Jennings (2024-153)
- Eric Lindenberg
- Philippe Appolon
- Ruth Ingersoll
- Michael Roberts
- Gerry Fraiberg
Belleville Youth Engagement Committee |
The Belleville Youth Engagement Committee is made up of eight community representatives between the ages of 15 and 29 and two councillors. The committee advises council based on the interest of youth in our community and engages and educates youth on opportunities and resources available to them.
Board of Management Belleville Downtown Improvement Area (BDIA) |
The Belleville Downtown Improvement Area (BDIA) is an association of commercial property owners and tenants in the downtown core who work in partnership with the City to make the City’s historic downtown the location of choice for investment, visitors, residents and shoppers and dining. Property owners in the BDIA are charged an additional levy on their property tax bill that collectively allows the Board to support beautification, marketing and events in the downtown. The Board of Management of the BDIA implement creates and implements their strategic plan.
Board Members:
TERM: Term of Council
- Councillor Thompson
- Councillor Allsopp, Alternate
- Maury Flunder
- Jessica Purchase (2024-121)
- Rakesh Parmar
- Emily Barnett
- Lindsay Dransfield
- Kim Fedor (2024-121)
- Nick Borestski (2024-121)
- Julie Dean
- Jennifer Hunter (2024-121)
- Edie Hasluer
Business Retention and Expansion |
The Business Retention and Expansion Committee makes recommendations regarding the City’s Business Retention and Expansion survey program where local businesses are anonymously surveyed to determine their satisfaction with the local business climate.
Business Retention and Expansion Terms of Reference |
The mandate of the Business Retention and Expansion Committee is to:
- Follow up on former BR&E reports to ensure issues raised and actions recommended have
been or are being dealt with
- Recommend and implement the ongoing BR&E survey work plan
- Recommend actions or policies to Council related to the results of the BR&E program
Committee Structure:
Eight (8) voting members consisting of:
-3 councillors (2 votes each)
-5 organization representatives (1 vote each) from:
- Quinte Home Builders Association (QHBA)
- The Belleville Downtown Improvement Area (BDIA)
- Quinte Manufacturers Association (QMA)
- The Belleville Chamber of Commerce (BCC)
- Loyalist College
Where possible, representatives from these organizations will be the lead staff person to ensure consistency. Where staff are not in place or not available, the representative shall be a member appointed by the organization.
The Committee may invite other citizens and volunteers to assist from time to time as non-voting members.
Staff Support:
Staff support will be principally provided by the Economic and Strategic Initiatives Department with other staff to assist as required for specific investigations
Meeting Schedule:
Directors and Managers from all City Departments could be requested by the Committee at any time to attend meetings or undertake investigations with regard to matters identified by the Committee.
The Committee has no independent authority and is responsible for providing recommendations to Council for approval. |
Centre and South Hastings Waste Services Board |
The Centre and South Hastings Waste Services Board is a municipal service board operating as Quinte Waste Solutions. Councillor Sandison is Belleville’s representative on the Board of Directors for the 2019-2022 Term of Council.
Committee of Adjustment/Court of Revision/Property Standards/Fence Viewers |
The Committee of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial decision-making body that considers applications for Consent (to sever land), applications for minor variances from the Zoning By-law, and any other variances specified under the Planning Act R.S.O 1990.
Committee Members:
TERM: Term of Council
- Michael Harris (2023-204)
- Scott Giroux
- Robert Labarge
- Jack Alexander
- Brian Miller
- Joe Lentini
Cultural Exchange Committee |
The mandate of the Cultural Exchange Committee is to:
Manage visits and other twinning events between Belleville and Gunpo Korea
Assist staff as necessary with organizing the student exchange and friendship flights with Lahr Germany
Provide recommendations to Council on matters pertaining to twinning activities
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (formerly Inclusion Committee)
The mandate of the Belleville inclusion committee is to:
- Provide recommendations regarding policies, procedures, and best practices for creating an equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment
- Collaborate with community and partners to identify and develop opportunities for education, support, and engagement
- Develop an action plan designed to engage and promote community involvement
- Cultivate activities and initiatives that will help eliminate discrimination and/or amplify voices
Economic Development Committee |
The Economic Development Committee provides strategic recommendations to City Council regarding the resources required to support investment attraction, business growth and retention, tourism and economic development issues management. The EDC provides the Economic Development Division staff with information and input on issues and projects of particular importance to the local economy. The committee is currently development a 5-year Economic Development Strategic Plan for Council’s approval and launching an Industrial Sector BR+E.
Economic Development Committee Terms of Reference |
The Economic Development Committee is an advisory Committee of Council tasked with a mandate to establish, periodically review, amend and recommend a strategic plan for economic development in Belleville to guide long and short-term development, providing policy leadership and support as well as industry support to both Council and the City of Belleville with their efforts to attract investment, sustain employment, support focussed sector development, business growth and retention and economic development issues management in the City of Belleville by:
- Partnering with various partners that carry out these services in Belleville, evaluating and listening to the entire industry.
- Creating goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) including possibly: household income targets, jobs and employment target levels, visitor traffic and experience targets, newcomer settlement and experience targets, construction investment targets, business investment targets and economic impact indicators.
- Making recommendations to Council regarding projects and initiatives that would advance tourism marketing and product development initiatives in accordance with the MAT legislation.
- Regularly collecting and analyzing data on the local and regional economy, economic development activities, reports on KPI outcomes to encourage evidence-based decisions.
- Reporting to Municipal Council monthly or more frequently if required on the activities of Economic Development.
- Identifying and implementing a short, medium, and long-term work plan which the City can support.
- Attracting and retaining business investment to the community based on BR&E Subcommittee and industry comments and representation.
- Focusing on Economic Development priorities through three possible sub-committees:
- Tourism Development, which will include an operational plan specific to marketing, promotion, and visitor services to the City of Belleville, and will make recommendations for use of Municipal Accommodations Tax (MAT) funds.
- Innovation, building and supporting innovation including an operational plan specific to entrepreneurship, innovation, and small business development.
- Labour Market, support and/or implement immigration and local labour market development initiatives, including labour and workforce needs and development and attraction.
- Identifying any economic development issues or barriers to development including strategies on possible recessions and post-secondary skills development.
- Networking with government agencies and those participating in regional economic planning where appropriate, including Bay of Quinte, and Eastern Ontario, to ensure the efforts of other organizations are not duplicated.
- Support staff’s implementation of the City’s BR&E program by:
- Striking a BR&E Taskforce when required to support a BRE study
- Follow up on former BR&E reports to ensure issues raised and actions recommended have been or are being dealt with
- Recommend and implement the ongoing BR&E survey work plan
- Recommend actions or policies to Council related to the results of the BR&E program
Committee Structure:
Ten to twelve (10-12) voting members consisting of:
- 4 councillors (1 vote each) (One of which is the Chair of the BRE Committee)
- 6 - 8 Citizen Representatives (1 vote each) from:
- 1 Member from the Belleville Chamber of Commerce
- 1 Member representing Loyalist College, resident of Belleville
- 1 Member from the Accommodations Sector
- 1 member from the Belleville Downtown Improvement Area
- 2–4 citizen members reflecting the diversity of the local economy and core function/mandate of the Economic Development Department.
Non- Voting Members – to attend on an as requested/needed basis
- Quinte Home Builders Association
- Quinte and District Association of Realtors
- Bay of Quinte Regional Marketing Board
- Quinte Economic Development Commission
- Centre for Workforce Development
- Quinte Arts Council
The Committee may invite other citizens and volunteers to assist from time to time as non-voting members.
Staff Support:
Staff support will be principally provided by the Economic and Strategic Initiatives Division and the Municipal CAO, a recording secretary from the Division, a staff member from the Finance Department as needed, and any other municipal representative as designated by the CAO. The Economic Development Committee may request agency, organization, expert resource representation as required and as necessary, for local issues and special purposes.
Meeting Schedule:
Meetings are to be held at a set date and time on a monthly basis within the calendar year or as determined by the call of the Chair.
Directors and Managers from all City Departments could be requested by the Committee at any time to attend meetings or undertake investigations with regard to matters identified by the Committee. The Committee has no independent authority and is responsible for providing recommendations to Council for approval.
Emergency Control Group |
The emergency response will be directed by members of the Emergency Control Group (ECG). The ECG is responsible for coordinating the provision of management, resources necessary to minimize the effects of an emergency on the community, and monitoring and supporting the emergency response. |
Finance Committee |
The Finance Committee is comprised of the Mayor and two Council members and assists, advises and makes recommendations to Council regarding the fulfillment of Council's oversight responsibilities relative to City financial reporting, external audit requirements, asset management, internal controls, and compliance with financial regulations and policies.
The Finance Committee provides a forum for communication between Council, the External Auditor and Management, and facilitates an impartial, objective and independent review of financial management practices.
Request a copy of the Finance Committee Terms of Reference
Committee agendas are published the Friday prior to the meeting.
Committee Minutes can be viewed here.
Committee Members:
- His Worship Mayor Ellis
- Councillor Carr
- Councillor Enright-Miller - Chair
- Councillor Thompson, Alternate
Jennifer Knight - Coordinator - Revenue & Customer Service 613-967-3200 extension 3213
Glanmore National Historic Site Advisory Committee |
The mandate of the Committee is to advise staff of the Recreation, Culture and Community Services Department and to make recommendations to Belleville City Council on Museum issues relating to the Statement of Purpose, as well as Collections Management, Conservation, Research, Exhibition Interpretation/Education, Community Programming and Physical Plant standards. The Committee provides advice and support to City staff and City Council to ensure that Glanmore National Historic Site continues to be a major community facility, an education and historical resource for the community, and a tourist attraction for the City of Belleville. The Committee ensures that museum goals and activities remain relevant to the community, and monitors Glanmore National Historic Site's Strategic Plan. The Committee also ensures that the Commemorative Integrity of Glanmore National Historic Site is respected and maintained.
Grant Committee |
The Grant Committee is committed to assisting not-for-profit and other community organizations based in Belleville who promote the well-being of our community.
Committee agendas are published the Friday prior to the meeting and can be viewed here.
Request a copy of the Grant Committee Terms of Reference
Grant Committee Policy
Grant Applications
2024 Grant Committee Schedule
1. Community Impact Grant
- First application intake period: December 1, 2023 until 4:30 p.m. January 31, 2024
- Second intake: July 2024, exact dates to be determined
- Applications will be reviewed by staff and committee the week of February 12 - 16, 2024
- Recommendations will be sent to City Council for approval at the February 26, 2024 meeting
2. Tourism Grant
- First application intake period: December 1, 2023 until 4:30 p.m. February 29, 2024
- Second intake: July 2024, exact dates to be determined
- Applications will be reviewed by staff and committee the week of March 11 - 15, 2024
- Recommendations will be sent to City Council for approval at the March 25, 2024 meeting
3. Social Infrastructure Grant
- Once per year, with the application period and due date approved by the Grant Committee
4. Arts and Culture Grant
- Once per year, with the application period and due date approved by the Grant Committee
Green Task Force |
The Green Task Force is a committee of Council made up of seven voting members: five citizen appointees and two councillors. We bring forward recommendations and ideas for Council to consider that improve Belleville's environmental performance.
Heritage Belleville |
The Heritage Committee advises Council on local heritage matters and assist them in carrying out heritage conservation programs. |
Lighting Display Committee |
The Lighting Display and Gateway Signage Committee works co-operatively on the Christmas Festival of Lights display, BELLEVILLE sign, Canada Day fireworks and gateway/wayfinding signage.
Planning Advisory Committee |
The Planning Advisory Committee provides advice and makes recommendations to Council regarding land use, development and community planning. |
Police Services Board |
The Belleville Police Services Board is a five-member civilian board that governs the Belleville Police Service. Under the Police Services Act, the Board is responsible for providing adequate and effective police services to the citizens of the City of Belleville.
The Belleville Police Services Board has five members: two Provincial appointees, two Council appointees, and one member of the community as appointed by Council.
The Board provides direction and guidance to the Belleville Police Service while ensuring that adequate and effective police services are provided in accordance with the needs of the municipality.
As civilian community members who represent the public's interests, the Police Services Board is committed to a high quality of community-based policing and excellence in police governance. The Board recognizes the challenges to law enforcement created by a changing environment, demographic shifts, emerging technologies, and evolving crime trends and patterns.
Duties of the Board
The responsibilities of the Police Services Board are outlined in section 31 (1) of Ontario's Police Services Act:
Appoint the members of the municipal police force
Generally determine, after consultation with the chief of police, objectives and priorities with respect to police services in the municipality
Establish policies for the effective management of the police force
Recruit and appoint the chief of police and any deputy chief of police, and annually determine their remuneration and working conditions, taking their submissions into account
Direct the chief of police and monitor his or her performance
Establish policies respecting the disclosure by chiefs of police of personal information about individuals
Receive regular reports from the chief of police on disclosures and decisions made under section 49 (secondary activities)
Establish guidelines with respect to the indemnification of members of the police force for legal costs under section 50
Establish guidelines for dealing with complaints made under Part V
Review the chief of police's administration of the complaints system under Part V and receive regular reports from the chief of police on his or her administration of the complaints system
Committee Members:
- His Worship Mayor Ellis
- Councillor Enright-Miller, Chair (2024-160)
- Councillor Chatten, Alternate
- Jim O’Brien
Contact Belleville Police Services Board
Protective Services Advisory Committee |
The Protective Services Advisory Committee consists of five voting members, two Councillors and three citizens with a mandate to;
- Review the Core Services Review Pomax Inc. report related to the Fire and Emergency Services
- Liaise with Stakeholders (staff, businesses and the public) to discuss their needs and capabilities as it relates to levels of service provided by Belleville Fire and Emergency Services
- Identify a strategy and goals for the short/medium/long term future of the services provided by Belleville Fire and Rescue
- Investigate the options for levels of services to be provided by Belleville Fire and Emergency Services
- Provide recommendations on such matters to City Council so a level of service can be established and the Establishing and Regulating By-Law can be updated to reflect same.
Stirling & District Recreation Centre |
The Stirling & District Recreation Centre is established as a joint arena-recreation centre with the Township of Stirling-Rawdon, City of Quinte West, City of Belleville and Municipality of Centre Hastings to incur all costs associated with the establishment, development, management, control and operation of the Centre and costs shall be shared on a usage percentage basis.
Transit Operations Advisory Committee |
The mandate of the Transit Advisory Committee is to:
- Review the transportation (transit) services in the City in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, and accessibility for all citizens;
- Provide recommendations to Council and staff on proposed or preferred modifications to transit services
The committee meets monthly and is comprised of three members of Council and four citizen appointees.
Committee Agendas and Minutes
Transportation Committee |
The Transportation Committee’s mandate includes the following:
Review transportation related issues as may be identified for review by a City Department or City Council
Act in an advisory capacity to City Council on issues specific to transportation and provide recommendations to Council regarding any suggested improvements
Please review the Committee's process for requesting a change to traffic signage, parking, speed limits, and other transportation concerns.