The City of Belleville's Assessment Rolls list all properties in Belleville. They include each property's:
- owner and / or tenant names
- mailing address
- assessed value, and
- school support for taxation purposes
Annualized Assessment
Assessment values from the 2021 returned Assessment Roll, reflects all changes (additions, deletions, results of A.R.B decisions, Minutes of Settlements) during the year. Annualized taxes may differ from the actual taxes shown on the 2021 Final Bill.
Area Rating
Tax rates can vary throughout the four billing areas within the municipality due to a process called “area rating” which provides a mechanism for taxpayers to pay for the direct or indirect services they actually receive. When Council establishes the annual budget, individual areas may be impacted to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the cost of the services, causing tax rate changes to vary by area.
Find out which billing table you reside in; "Tax Billing Table Map"
2021 Current Value Assessment
The Assessment Act requires that the assessed value of your property be based on what your property would likely sell for on a specific date (January 1, 2020 for the 2021 taxation year). Questions about your assessment should be directed to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) (1-866-296-6722).
Property Assessment Search Tool
Use our Property Assessment Search Tool to search properties within the City of Belleville. The search tool includes information approved by MPAC.