To Report an Issue
- Use the Bylaw Enforcement complaint form to report excessive litter or illegal dumping on private property.
- Use the City’s Litter Hotspots and Illegal Dumping form, to report incidents on public property.
- If you see someone dumping waste and want to report it right away, please contact Belleville Police Services.
Litter is trash left behind in a public space. Volunteers with the Quinte Trash Bash, a regional cleanup event, have found the most commonly littered items in Belleville include:
- Fast food wrappers
- Coffee cups
- Soft drink bottles and cans
- Cigarette butts
One common thread is plastic – plastic drink bottles, cigarette filters, bags, plastic-lined cups and more. This eventually breaks down into microplastics that can find their way into our creeks, rivers and ultimately the Bay of Quinte. When people put garbage where it belongs, they are protecting freshwater ecosystems that wildlife depend on, and that we need for fresh, clean drinking water.
Accidental Littering
Not all litter is intentional. High winds and storms can blow materials out of Blue Boxes and unlidded garbage containers.
Help prevent wind-blown litter by following these tips:
- Wait to put out your Blue Box: Storm or high winds in the forecast? Don’t set your Blue Boxes out the night before. Place them at the curb by 7 a.m. on your collection day or consider waiting until the following week.
- Heavy on top: Put glass bottles and jars on top of your lightweight paper/fibres to weigh them down.
- Crush it! Crush bottles and cans to make it harder for winds to blow them out. Stacking your papers upright in your papers Blue Box also helps to stop wind-blown litter.
- Stack your boxes: The paper and plastic bag Blue Box is usually heavier. Stack it on top of your Containers-only Blue Box.
- Cover your load: Secure loads in trucks and trailer beds to prevent accidental litter and highway hazards during transportation.
Visit Quinte Waste Solutions for more tips and tricks.
Illegal Dumping
It is illegal to dump garbage in public spaces, like parks, roadsides and ditches, and on private property without permission from the owner/occupant.
The City of Belleville has a littering bylaw that prohibits throwing, dumping, placing or depositing debris on private and public property without permission from the owner or occupant. Those found guilty of an offence may be subject to a $200 fine.
Residents have many options for waste removal and disposal, including reasonable rates for bulky item pickup, landfill and transfer stations within City limits and a host of donation options, including thrift stores and reuse stores, some of which offer furniture pickup service.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do Bag Tags cause Illegal Dumping? |
Short answer? No.
In fact, surveys have found that about 20% of communities that adopted PAYT identified illegal dumping as an issue after implementation but that the problem was resolved after about three months. Surveys have also found that there is very little difference in the incidence of illegal dumping between communities with and without PAYT. |
How do I organize a community cleanup? |
Each spring, communities across the region host the Quinte Trash Bash, a community cleanup that encourages residents to head out with garbage bags and pickers to remove litter from our sidewalks, parks and roadsides. Residents and community groups that want to organize a cleanup at other times of year are encouraged to contact the City’s Environmental Coordinator. We may be able to provide supplies and arrange for the proper disposal of collected litter. |
What is the City doing to prevent litter? |
City staff regularly collects litter, empties outdoor garbage receptacles and removes bulky items and other litter and hazards dumped in public spaces. While these efforts have a significant impact on the cleanliness of our community, we believed more could be done.
‘Don’t be a Tosser’ Campaign In 2020, the City’s Transportation & Operations Services launched an anti-littering campaign to spread awareness to reduce litter. ‘Don’t be a Tosser’ signs have been posted in locations identified as litter/dumping hotspots, including Tank Farm Rd, Point Anne Rd and Doxtator Dr, Avonlough Rd and Plumpton Rd. Learn more about the City’s waste reduction efforts on our Garbage, Recycling and Organics page. |
How do I report a litter/dumping hotspot? |
For litter and dumping hotspots on private property, submit a Bylaw Complaint Form. For hotspots on public property, report it using the Litter Hotspots and Illegal Dumping form. A work order will be created to deal with the issue. In some cases, it will be a matter for bylaw enforcement. In others, City staff will be assigned to clean up the site. City staff may also consider installing a ‘Don’t be a Tosser’ sign to help combat litter and illegal dumping. |
Does Belleville have an Adopt-a-Road program? |
Belleville does not have a formal Adopt-a-Road program at this time. However, groups that are interested in collecting litter from a specific road on a regular basis are encouraged to contact the City’s Environmental Coordinator. |